TICSA – Network Security Guidance Issued to Network Operators

As part of the GCSB’s commitment to work with network operators, a draft of the Guidance paper for the Network Security section (part 3) of the Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Act 2013 (TICSA) was released to network operators for consultation on the 17th of February 2014.

The draft Guidance provides an overview for network operators of the process they will need to follow under the Act, detail about the information they will need to provide and proposes some exemptions to the duty to notify.

The consultation period will last for 5 weeks until the 28th of March, at which point the feedback will be collated into a final version which will be shared with network operators, before being released to the wider public on the NCSC website in advance of the TICSA coming into effect on the 11th of May 2014.

If you are a network operator as defined in the TICSA, and you have not received a copy of the draft Guidance, please contact the NCSC via ticsa@ncsc.govt.nz to obtain a copy.