Persistent telephone inquiries could be precursor to cyber threats

The NCSC is aware of persistent, likely overseas sourced, telephone inquiries seeking confirmation of job titles and email addresses.

It is possible these calls could be a precursor to follow up cyber threat activity in the form of whaling, or spear-phishing.

“Whaling” or “spear-phishing” activities are where an email, often carefully engineered to reflect a particular interest of the receiver - which contain a threat, or a hyperlink to a threat, which when opened enables the adversary to access the user’s device or network.

If your organisation has encountered or suspects a cyber-security incident, please report this to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

The NCSC defines an incident as an occurrence or activity that impacts on the confidentiality, integrity or availability of an information system (infrastructure).

If you require assistance in dealing with the incident, please complete the Cyber Security Incident – Request for Assistance Form and submit it to

If required, you can speak with us directly on (04) 498-7654.